I am creating little mini interviews with members of M.I.C.E , Michigan Indie Crafters of Etsy a etsy street team dedicated to promoting Michigan artist and crafters. miceetsy.blogspot.com/http://groups.google.com/group/micetsy. I ask three questions about my favorie item of theirs. My first mini is with Teresa Thompson of TiLT creations.
My three questions to TiLTcreations were:
1 With kids where do you find the time? ( I always want to know that answer!!!)
2 What's your greatest inspiration?
3 The best thing about your item ( or item's.) Here is what Teresa had to say!
1) Time? Um, I magically add more ever day...don't believe me? Me neither. I just take full advantage of nap time and since my youngest is 4 & goes to bed at 8pm...I work in the evening until my eyes won't stay open any longer or my hands can no longer sew straight. Preschool rocks too...but it's only 3 hours & I usually do my computer time then .2) Inspiration? I wish I knew. I love hearing about people who have specific things that spur them into creative action...but I just make stuff after it pops into my head. Occasionally there is something > like my Venus bags - the alien pods from the movie Aliens brought that one on. And of course the Whedonverse - that brings about many ideas, mostly in the embroidery & stuffie realms.
3) The best thing about my stuff? Aside from going beyond your basic totes...each one is truely it's own. One of a Kind can apply to any item made by hand, even if it's the same thing over & over since it is impossible to recreate exactly. But with mine, I never even use a certain fabric more than once on a style...so it's very OOAK (unless custom ordered). I line all my bags (except market totes), use a triple stitch on the stress seams & I always have fun with it...just take a quick peek into the bags to see the linings I tend use or the theme of the embroidery (like on this bag)"
Listing: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=27030655
Listing: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=27030655
Great idea, Scottie! Love it.
La Femme Monkita
Thanks...it's fun and I love promoting everyone!!!!
Thanks :) I loved making this guy...every now & again & I consider keeping him for myself - LOL!
thanks scottie I appreciate your energy and the fact you include so many of us in your ideas
Thanks...we got to help each other out...and this is fun!!!
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