I love Artful Blogging! For any one not familiar with the magazine it's part of a huge line of other wonderful magazines from Stampington and Company. I have had my art work and articles in a handful of magazines from Stampingting and Company before, but I am super geeked to be in the summer issue of Artful Blogging and pleasantly surprised to find how many of my photos actually went in to the magazine and how many times they used my photos to advertise the issue ( lot's and that's cool!!!)
Artful Blogging along with many other magazines from Stamptington are full of beautiful photos and lot's of inspiring ideas. Seriously, seriously one of my favorite things to do is to sit with a nice big coffee in my hand, curled up in a blanket and soak up all the wonderful pages in any of these Magazines! So run out...grab your copy today! Enjoy all the wonderful ideas and photos that bring this magazine to life! You won't be disappointed by all the creative people who contribute there amazing talents and ideas...the magazine is always a treat for me!
My wonderful friend Melany Hallgren took the photos of me and my husband ( that's us smooching in up in the black and white photos with the red writing) My other wonderful friend Jeannie Jachman is the hair genius behind the cut, style and color of our cute little model Kristi Byrnes. Jeannie's adorable daughter Scarlett is the blond beauty in the vintage tiara