I was going to use this photo for something different, promoting spring ideas in my shop! As I watched the news the last few days my heart just went out to Japan.Watching devastation on the news is so surreal! My Family just saw over the weekend Battle Los Angeles and it's so amazing how real everything looked in this movie. So watching trucks floating by in Japan is horrible yes, but it wasn't the site that really got to me. The footage of this boat full of babies is kind of what hit me hard. One lady was in the middle the rest were babies,  a lot of babies, all had to be under three. My first thought was " Wow!" " How is this lady is handling all these babies on this small boat!"  Then I started thinking, about their families and where were the mom's... why were all these babies in this one boat together and what if all there families were dead? So I'm starting with this particular print of mine here, and I will add a few more of my items to the cause.
If you shop my etsy and purchase my new print for $20 I'll donate the $20 to the Red Cross.  I'm small potatoes, but I think every little bit can help!
you can purchase here http://www.etsy.com/listing/70147323/1000-wishes-fine-art-photography-japan