The next Collection was at the Virgie Geroux Store located 7 N Saginaw Pontiac, Michigan. Model  Autum Davis @davis-autum accompanied me to the beautiful location. Dreamy, fur, vintage slips, all my loves were in this one amazing location. With a plethora of girly, girl items along with my dreamy "Mad-Eye Moody Lens" we had a lot of fun. Virgie Geroux is the name of the shop owner Kelly Sykes's grandmother who always wore red lipstick and dressed Like a "lady." Kelly has amazing stories about her grandmother and I can definitely see that the store name is fitting for the amazing vintage vibe and feel it gives. It is seriously my favorite place to shop. I added a lot of texture and vintage vibe editing with Exposure X2 presets. It was very fitting naming the "Virgie Geroux" Series after her grandmother. Lens used: ( Composer pro with double glass optic and Nikon 50mm)

While doing this session Autum was explaining to Kelly and I that she almost lost her leg in a snowboarding accident just a few years back...I wanted to make sure I had this picture very clear. She went through a lot to heal her leg!